
In 2005 Robin Bell and Scott Goodstein first worked together as producers of Operation Ceasefire, a 100,000-person anti-war concert on the National Mall.

They both have organized dozens of memorable visual campaigns that shed light on political issues and causes around the globe.

Robin,  the founder of Bell Visuals, is an award-winning editor and multimedia artist. In 2007, he received international recognition for his “Emoluments Welcome” video projections on the façade of the Trump Hotel in Washington, DC.

Scott, the founder of Catalyst Campaigns, is an award-winning digital strategist and cultural organizer. He is best known for impactful projects like Punk Voter (2004), Rock Against Bush (2004), Artists for Obama (2008), and Artists for Bernie (2016). creates original artwork that reminds voters what public officials have said and done. Each piece is created to actively encourage viewers to remember what these politicians did … and pledge to vote for change in November!

Art will be displayed on outdoor advertising location in African American, Latinx, and young voter neighborhoods. This campaign is to target nontraditional voters with billboards, posters, digital billboards, and more. The artists’ messages will be amplified by community partnerships, earned media, and organic social reach.

Art will be factual, focused, and targeted.

Sponsors | Artists is a project created by Artists United for Change, a registered political action committee with the Federal Elections Commission. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. We just believe in speaking truth to power and voting up and down the ballot to throw out those that do not believe in science, facts, and basic human rights. Contributions are non-tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.